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My intention with this exercise was to

  • understand the life of Magicland, where she is now, and begin seeing into the future
  • explore the ideas that will soon go into the portal where we explain the plan
  • create a shared understanding within the team about the rules of the game we are playing
  • create safety for the team to understand how Magicland would like to commit to each of us

Magicland vision roadmap August 28 2023

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As I reflect on the drawing, I see a potential sequence of evolution and creation.

Sequence of Evolution and Creation

  • pause/create space to allow
  • create the spiritual and physical container for the upcoming season
  • hold space as active participants within the container we created
  • rest. reflect. retrospective. integration.
  • pause/create space
  • create container
  • hold space
  • repeat…

I brought the drawing into my digital design tool, and transformed the handwritten ideas into a digital design. This design shows the first three years of Magicland.

3 Years to Infinity

The Sequence of Evolution provides a simple spiral/cycle for Magicland to become herself. Here are the first three years of her existence.

Magicland 3 Years Vision Roadmap

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I propose that Magicland:

  • commits to the current team members (see the sections in purple outline)
  • create a finite arrangement for the current team to drop into (ie: “The current team is with us from today – July 2024.”)
  • define finite arrangement in agreements with each team member
  • build alignment on the Sequence of Evolution
  • use Season One as an opportunity show what’s possible