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I mindmapped items i could see that are open from Magicland at-large. I created small cards with action items for each department. I’d like to walkthrough together on our next call. From here, open the dialogue around shares, lots, cofounders, etc.

Magicland mindmap August 22 2023

Follow Up Email

After a person fills out the form on the home page, the form submission automatically triggers two emails: (1) a notification email is sent to us:

Magicland admin notification form submission

and (2) a thank you email is sent to the subscriber. Let’s play with the words and messages we can send people as they interact with the website.

Magicland thank you email

These are examples of “transactional emails”. I set up a free transactional email account with and integrated the email service with our website so that our website has the power to send emails. Now, anyone who fills out the form on the home page will receive an email from the website. We can continue to use this function in other ways moving forward. Reasons for using a transactional email service are for security and to improve the deliverability of the emails our website sends to people interacting with it. Ideally, fewer emails go to spam, and more emails land in the primary inbox folder.

Thank You Message

After a person fills out the form on the home page, they are immediately shown a small message that previously said, “Thank you. We will be in touch soon.” and now the message includes a link to view our Instagram.

Magicland thank you message form

The thinking behind this upgrade is so that after people submit the form, we give them another action to take by clicking the link to connect with us on Instagram.

Team Feed

The feed is on the page where you are reading these words right now. It’s where we all can read updates from one another. You are invited to post your daily/weekly updates to the feed to document our process and make it easier for the team (and the larger community) to fully understand what’s happening, what has happened, and what is intended to happen along the way.

Send an Email to Post to the Feed

When it feels right for you, simply write an email to this address:

Write the title of your update as the subject line, and the content of your post as the email body. After you send the email, it will automatically post itself as an update on our feed:

Email Addresses

Please let me know if you’d like an email address ie ‘’. Please keep in mind, this is not a full email account. It is simply an email forwarding address. When someone sends an email to ‘’, for example, the email automatically sends itself to any email address of our choice. In this example, we would likely forward all emails sent to to